
  • Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen or national after he or she fulfills the requirements established by Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

    Lawful Permanent residents (Green Card holders) whose Green Card has been valid during the 5 years prior can file for US citizenship.  US Citizenship Application Form N-400 is used for obtaining US citizenship (naturalization).  You can follow through the US immigration process to attain citizenship. For example, if you are married to a US citizen, you may apply for US citizenship after 3 years with a valid Green Card. There are exceptions. If an applicant has served in the United States Armed Forces during war, that individual may obtain citizenship without first becoming a permanent resident if he or she was in the United States upon enlistment into the US military. A completed Form N-400 (US Citizenship Application) is the required form; it must be filed along with photos and supporting documents. Becoming a US citizen has many advantages.  We recommend filing for US Citizenship as soon as you are eligible.


    You May Qualify for Naturalization if:

    • You have been a permanent resident for at least 5 years and meet all other eligibility requirements.
    • You have been a permanent resident for 3 years or more and meet all eligibility requirements to file as a spouse of a U.S. citizen.
    • You have qualifying service in the U.S. armed forces and meet all other eligibility requirements.
    • Your child may qualify for naturalization if you are a U.S. citizen, the child was born outside the U.S., the child is currently residing outside the U.S., and all other eligibility requirements are met.
    • You may qualify through other paths to naturalization if you do not qualify through the paths described above.

    How we can help you:

    At the Law Office of Moona Shakil, an experienced senior attorney would help preparing your N-400: U.S. Citizenship Application.  Our immigration attorney would consult with you to discuss your options.  Our mission is to provide prompt, high quality legal services to benefit the lives of our clients. We handle almost all types of immigration visas, and our attorneys understand that communication is a key to success. You need confidence that your lawyer understands your problem and is working with you to achieve results. Call us to find out how we provide superior service to our clients.


    Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as legal advice. The use of the information on this website creates no attorney client relationship between the user and the Law Office of Moona Shakil, PLLC or its attorneys. There is no substitute for a face to face consultation with a lawyer. If you have legal questions, you must contact an experienced attorney immediately.

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